Ranking 15 Fast X Moments & Stunts by Their Ridiculousness

The tenth thrilling episode of the Fast Saga, Fast X, is filled with incredible, absurd stunts and superhuman achievements by Dom and friends.

The tenth entry in the Fast Saga, Fast X, has a lot of the ridiculous action scenes that the Fast & Furious series is famous for. As their Fast Five foe Hernan Reyes (Joaquim de Almeida)’s son, the vicious Dante Reyes (Jason Momoa), arrives, Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) finds his past catching up with them. Dom and his family are forced to reunite once more by Dante’s plot, which is motivated by his desire for vengeance for the passing of his father and the loss of millions of dollars.

One of the most distinctive action movie franchises is the Fast Saga, which began with The Fast and the Furious in 2001 and told the Point Break-style story of Dom and his friends as street racers. The Fast & Furious film franchise has grown exponentially, resulting in not only larger than previous installments but also increasingly extravagant production values. Naturally, Fast X only keeps pushing the boundaries of Fast & Furious, and Jason Momoa makes a worthy villain for the last installment of the Fast Saga with his ridiculous zeal on screen. The top 15 most absurd action sequences and stunts from Fast X are listed here.

During Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) and Cipher’s (Charlize Theron) big fight scene in the high-tech prison, the two fall through a window to land on a lower level med bay. This is hardly one of the Fast Saga‘s more outright absurd moments, but it does bend the realism of Letty and Cipher’s fight with their fall being a good 15 to 20 feet and neither being at all injured or hindered by the landing. Action movies toss characters from heights like this all the time, and it definitely qualifies as a moment of imperviousness to injury on Letty and Cipher’s parts.

Jakob Toretto (John Cena) and Dom’s son Brian (Leo Abelo Perry) – named after Paul Walker’s Brain O’Conner – covertly depart a commercial airliner in a small aircraft hidden in the cargo bay, in order to lend Dom and his family a hand against Dante. While not as big of a physics violation as other big Fast X moments, it is a case of the heroes of the Fast & Furious movies always having a way out of a tight situation. How Jakob smuggled the aircraft on board and how it is perfectly suited for both he and Brian to breath in at 36,000 feet is never explained, but in the Fast Saga, it’s an unimportant detail.

Fast X‘s final scene shows the return of Gisele Yashar (Gal Gadot) in a submarine emerging from the icy arctic to rendezvous with Letty and Cipher. While this confirms that Gisele did not die in Fast and Furious 6, her survival flies in the face of anything resembling reality. During the runway chase of Fast & Furious 6, Gisele falls from a car dangling onto a cargo plane, landing onto a concrete airport tarmac at high speed. While her landing happens off-screen, it absolutely would have been fatal in any circumstance other than in a Fast & Furious movie.

In its opening prologue recap of Fast Five, Fast X includes a big franchise retcon with Dante pursuing Dom and co. as they drag the bank vault through Rio de Janiero and onto a bridge. As the chase the ends, the out of control safe tumbles across the bridge and smashes into Dante’s car, knocking him and his associates into the river below. Dante reveals later in the movie that he had been dead for two minutes before regaining consciousness. However, the odds of his survival would be slim at best, especially with the safe hitting his side of the car directly, which realistically should have killed him.

The arrival of Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) into Fast X is an overlap with F9‘s end-credits scene, which shows Shaw kicking and punching a heavy bag with an unfortunate enemy inside. In Fast X, the scene goes even further with a Hummer driving into the building and smashing into the bag. After Shaw and Han (Sung Kang) fight off Dante’s henchmen, the terrified man inside breaks free and runs away, but this is a big stretch. After being softened up by Shaw and being subsequently hit by a car, the man in the bag would almost certainly be among the characters who die in Fast X.

When Jakob Toretto arrives at Dom’s house to protect Mia (Jordana Brewster) and Brian from Dante’s henchmen, he power slams one opponent through the floor of the second story of the house. While the floor might have been loosened up a bit from the spray of bullets sent through the floor, even a man with Jakob’s level of strength would never have been able to send another human being through the floor with such impact as to cause the floor itself to give out.

When Dante realizes his plot to have his bomb driven to the Vatican has been thwarted by Dom and his family, he elects to remotely open the doors of the truck and let the bomb roll uncontrollably through the streets of Rome to its destination. Dante later tells Dom this was a back-handed tribute of sorts to the safe heist in Rio, but the huge metallic bomb easily weighs as much as a car. With the engineering it would take to design a bomb like this, it would be very unlikely to be able to crash through Rome like the wrecking ball it becomes.

When Cipher fights her henchmen coerced by Dante to turn against her, she ends up inside an elevator with one of them, with the cables cut and the elevator speeding to the bottom floor. When the elevator slams into the ground level, Cipher’s opponent is killed but she miraculously survives. Of course, there is little real chance that Cipher could have actually experienced such a violent elevator crash and live to tell the tale.

After Dante’s bomb explodes in Rome’s Tiber River, the shockwave ripples through Rome with many buildings being badly damaged. The shockwave also sends numerous cars flying through the air, and while the rear wheels of Dom’s car are momentarily lifted off the ground, he manages to speed ahead of the shock wave. Naturally, this is grounded in reality just as much as the space car in F9.

As the final car chase of Fast X begins, Dom enters the chase in the most over-the-top way possible – specifically, by backing his car out of a cargo plane, and landing on top of one driven by some of Dante’s crew. The cargo plane is at least 200 feet above the highway when Dom backs out, so not only would the fall have killed him, but the car would have been damaged to the point of no longer being able to drive. That is, of course, not the case when the currency of the Fast Saga is family over physics.

During the battle on the bridge from Fast Five‘s climactic chase, Dom rigs a car tilted on its side to drive towards some of Dante’s henchmen. To get the car going, Dom simply grabs the frame with one hand and tilts the car onto all four wheels. While Dante compliments Dom’s feat of strength, Dom tilting the car into an upright position with one hand is a moment where the character appears superhuman.

When Dom catches up to Dante’s car in the final chase, both he and Dante end up in a spiral with one door open. Dom calls out to Brian to jump from Dante’s car to his, with Dom’s young son making the leap successfully. Dom most assuredly would have gotten his son killed if he had pulled this off in the real world, but in the Fast Saga, it is a perfectly workable escape method.

Two helicopters driven by Dante’s goons hook Dom’s car and begin winching it into the air during the thrilling chase scene. Dom counters this by putting a burst of NOS into his engine, which allows him to get his car back on the road. Meanwhile, the two helicopters collide as the NOS propels them forward. Of all, this is only one more example of how carelessly Dom and the Fast Saga may disobey the laws of physics.

As Dante’s bomb nears the Vatican, Dom devises a last-minute strategy to stop it by driving his car off a bridge. The vehicle struck a construction crane, causing the other end of the crane to crash into the bomb. The collision sent it off course into the Tiber River.Dom’s strategy might work in the Fast & Furious universe with the power of family by his side. In reality, though, Dom’s makeshift railroad track switch method would never have been successful.

The funniest part of Fast X is reserved for last, when Dom and Brian become stuck between two semi-trucks on top of a dam. Dom’s car drives off the dam and straight down the dam’s face for several hundred feet till it reaches the river below when Dante remotely guides the automobiles towards them. For a brief moment, Dom and Brian are even in danger of being completely engulfed in the flames from the two trucks exploding, but a swift NOS boost gets them out of the way and allows them to land safely.

Not only is Dom’s drive down a dam the most absurd action movie moment in Fast X, but it’s also undoubtedly among the best five in the whole Fast Saga. But only the first part of it is seen in Fast X’s suspenseful conclusion, in which Dante causes the dam to burst. This strongly suggests that Dom’s big dam stunt in Fast & Furious 11 may have an even more ridiculous reward in the film.